Spencer Loyd
Spencer Loyd

Squat: 385

Deadlift: 475

5km Time: 19:50

Weighted Pullup: 135lbs

Murph (weighted and unpartitioned): 54:21

Clean: 275lbs


Crossfit Level 1 Certification.


Spencer Loyd

As a CrossFit coach, my purpose is deeply rooted in the lessons I’ve learned throughout my life’s journey. Having been a university-level athlete and competing in multiple CrossFit competitions, I’ve experienced firsthand the dedication, discipline, and perseverance required to excel in both sport and life. These experiences have shaped me into the coach I am today—focused on helping others unlock their potential and overcome their own challenges.
The turning point in my journey came when my dad suffered a heart attack. Thankfully, he survived, but that moment brought everything into sharp focus. CrossFit had always been a way for me to stay fit and challenge myself, but now it became something more—a shield against a much bigger enemy: the battle for long-term health and wellness. Watching my dad face such a serious health scare made me realize that staying fit wasn’t just about physical strength or performance in the gym; it was about building a foundation for a healthy life, for myself and those I love. I understood that in order to be the best version of myself and to be present for my partner and future family, I needed to commit fully to a lifestyle of health and wellness. CrossFit became my weapon, not just to stay in shape, but to ensure I’d live a long, healthy life, avoiding the same health risks my dad had faced. This experience lit a fire within me, turning fitness into a lifelong commitment and fueling my purpose as a coach—to help others take control of their health and realize what’s truly at stake.
As a CrossFit coach, my purpose is to empower individuals to discover their true potential through movement and fitness. With a background in Microbiology and a passion for teaching, I believe that fitness is more than just physical strength—it's about building confidence, resilience, and mental toughness. I aim to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their starting point, can achieve personal growth, push their boundaries, and develop a lifelong love for health and fitness. My goal is to make every workout a step towards not just physical, but holistic well-being.